"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela
As teachers, outdoor educators and guides - we have a unique opportunity to inspire our students to reach their potential and to make a difference to the world we live in. With that in mind, many of us pooled our collective knowledge and developed an APP that aims to provide an insightful bag of tricks for any educational classroom, in particular Outdoor Education. All at your fingertips 24/7.
The APP contains a wide range of topics and activities including; icebreakers, program themes & briefs, readings, quotes, initiatives, solo activities, campfire and fun games, conundrums, environmental readings and activities, canoe games, thought provoking activities, Aboriginal learnings, gear checklists, program debriefs, inspiring words & videos, connection to nature readings and quotes, bush fire safety and more.
While this APP cannot replace a rewarding educational program, it hopefully will assist you in delivering a slightly more meaningful experience, and put those stars we’re striving for within reach.
Thank you & catch you in the great outdoors!
NOTE: This APP has been developed by passionate Outdoor staff & so its self published (not subsidized) and therefore APP price just covers the APP store fee’s and hosting costs. Please support us!